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sNAPAshot: Nazia Hassain

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Nazia Hussain, MA. Project Researcher, A1M Solutions, LLC. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcription 0:01[NAPA Logo] Nazia Hassain 0:04Learning how to navigate the job landscape. Especially with having the skill sets that we have which sometimes don’t translate in…across industries and…

sNAPAshots: Nazia Hussain

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Nazia Hussain, MA. Project Researcher, A1M Solutions, LLC. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos
This entry is part 19 of 27 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 0:13[NAPA Logo] Interviewer 0:13Welcome to sNAPAshots, conversations with practicing professional and applied anthropologist. Let’s meet our next practice anthropologist. Nazia Hussain. Nazia Hassain 0:21I am Nazia Hussain, my…

sNAPAshots: Natalie Muyres

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Natalie Muyres, MS, PMP. Organizational and Design Anthropologist, Natalie Muyres Consulting. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos
This entry is part 20 of 27 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcript 0:00[NAPA Logo] Welcome to sNAPAshots conversations with practicing professional and applied anthropologists. Let’s meet our next guest Natalie Muyers. Natalie Muyres 0:21Hi, I’m Natalie Myers, and I’m…

sNAPAshots: Eshe Lewis

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Eshe Lewis, PhD. Project Director, SAPIENS Magazine. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. TranscriptEshe Lewis 0:01I think what makes a great professional is someone who knows how to identify the the limits of their knowledge. 0:07[NAPA Logo] Eshe Lewis 0:12Really looking…

sNAPAshots: Eshe Lewis

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Eshe Lewis, PhD. Project Director, SAPIENS Magazine. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos
This entry is part 21 of 27 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcript 0:00[NAPA Logo ] Interviewer 0:10Welcome to sNAPAshots, conversations with practicing, professional, and applied anthropologists. Let’s meet our next guest. Eshe Lewis 0:20Hi, myname is Eshe Lewis, my…

sNAPAshots: Erica Hawvermale

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Erica Hawvermale, M.S., Evaluation Associate. D'Aniello Institute for Veterants and Families. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos
This entry is part 22 of 27 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcript 0:00[NAPA Logo] Interviewer 0:11Welcome to sNAPAshots, conversations with practicing, professional, and applied anthropologists. Let’s meet our next guest, Erica Hawvermale. Erica Hawvermale 0:21My emphasis now is cultural…

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