Submit To The Annals
Since 1986, The Annals of Anthropological Practice (formerly NAPA Bulletin) has been a series dedicated to the practical problem-solving and policy applications of anthropological knowledge and methods. The Annals feature thought-provoking research on current topics related to public health, social justice, the media, environmental management and myriad other timely issues. The peer-reviewed Annals seek to engage practitioners, academicians, and students.
The Annals are currently published by Wiley Press and are available to NAPA members upon publication. It is also possible to purchase individual titles (electronic format; prior to 2015, print format may be available).
Queries and Submissions
We want to hear from you! If you have ideas for a submission, questions or general inquiries, please contact AAP editor John Brett at
For author guidelines, click here: authors guidelines (PDF format).
To submit a manuscript through ScholarOne, please go to, which will take you to step by step through the submission process. First-time users will need to create a ScholarOne account.
Published for decades as the NAPA Bulletin series, NAPA decided to be among the first of the publishing sections in the AAA portfolio to move into a fully digital publication in 2015. This change was designed to help streamline the editorial process, and shorten the time from submission to publication for the AAP. For more information on the significant editorial change in 2015, you may review the background on the changes here.
As a benefit of membership, NAPA members receive an email link to each AAP issue upon its publication. All past and future issues will continue to be available through AnthroSource on the AAA website.
Click here to see a listing of titles in the series:
Click here for general information about Wiley (titles, ordering, etc.):
Welcome To NAPA
NAPA promotes human-centered work applied to practical problems by linking a network of professional anthropologists working across employment sectors. We support all anthropologists in bringing real solutions to communities, organizations, and policymakers, by offering advocacy, information, networks, mentoring, and continuing education.