Related Organizations

Associations and Conferences   
SfAA – The other main North American organization is the Society for Applied Anthropology, founded in 1941, which reaches toward a multi-disciplinary and global membership.

The Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference – The EPIC Conference promotes the use of ethnographic investigations and principles in the study of human behavior as they are applied in business settings. While EPIC started life as a Conference and continues at locations around the world, the EPIC website also represents a large, virtual community with a range of resources and information.

Local Practitioner Organizations (LPOs)
Over the years a number of Local Practitioner Organizations have existed. The following list contains organizations that may be in an inactive state. Some do not have active websites but may have a local contact person or a listserv. Try a search engine to see if current information is available.
High Plains Society for Applied Anthropology (HPSfAA)
Southern California Applied Anthropology Network (SCAAN)
Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists (WAPA)


Blogs and Podcasts
Savage Minds Blog – a collective web blog devoted to both bringing anthropology to a wider audience as well as providing an online forum for discussing the latest developments in the field.

Ethnography Matters Blog – a space to talk about the blurring boundaries of our craft, where we can gain insight, advice and inspiration from those who are defining what high quality, accessible and innovative research might look like in a future that is increasingly mediated by technology.

AnthroTalks Podcast – A podcast about the magic of the ordinary! AnthroTalks gives a second thought to things we didn’t think needed a second thought!

Workplace Anthropology Matters – A video series profiling workplace anthropologists whose work directly influence their own workplace processes. Part of a workshop in the Business Anthropology Matters Initiative.

SfAA Podcasts – In conjunction with the Univeristy of North Texas, the Society for Applied Anthropology has produced annual meeting podcasts for several years.

Anthropologizing Blog – A blog series on Anthropologists in Practice.

Antropología 2.0 Blog – Antropología 2.0 blog aims to be a reference space for the practical, ethical and methodological development of Business Anthropology worldwide. Our aim is to make corporate anthropology a fundamental part of people-centred innovation.

Cultureby Blog – 

On the Brink – A blog and podcast by corporate anthropologist Andi Simon designed to help you see, feel and think in new ways, so you can soar. If your business is On the Brink, it’s time to stop and take a listen.

This Anthro Life Podcast – An experimental narrative podcast that takes a unique cross cultural and time spanning perspective on what makes us human, from the designed world, future hopes, and myths of how things came to be. 

Resource and Community Hubs                                                                                  – Visit the Business Anthropology Community website to learn about who we are, upcoming events, and resources — including downloadable workshops and syllabi, reading and video lists, and links to blogs, listservs, slack communities, and podcasts.

Anthrodesign – An online community and listserv that has formed to talk about anthropology and design.  Members are interested in the role of applied anthropology in the corporate, public sector, and medical contexts.

Ethnography Hangout – The Ethnography Matters, Anthrodesign, and EPIC teams have created a Slack community for conversations about ethnographic methods. To join the discussion on Slack, please fill out this form where we ask for some information about you and your work. Read their Slack guidelines.

If you know of an organization that is not listed here, please let us know via our contact us form!

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