
sNAPAshots: Eshe Lewis

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Eshe Lewis 0:01
I think what makes a great professional is someone who knows how to identify the the limits of their knowledge.

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Eshe Lewis 0:12
Really looking at the times that you push yourself through something or you learn something new or you were able to adapt to a new environment, like those are skills that don’t sound like skills, but they really are skills and they’re very important. You are learning these skills and you have no reason to have known them before. So how can we create a space where everyone kind of feels like they’re moving towards a common goal together? And rather than it being a competition, how can we create a space where people feel like a sense of camaraderie, and support? And I think it’s also the most honest and transparent way to move through the world.

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[On Screen Text] Tune into sNAPAshots! Conversations with Practicing, Professional, and Applied Anthropologists PracticingAnthropology.org

Transcribed by https://otter.ai

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