NAPA Listserv

Regarding PraxAnth, the former NAPA listserv, and the new community system…

In spring 2019, AAA stopped support of  listservs. As the PraxAnth listserv was part of this AAA support system, the list ceased. AAA sections that did not use the AAA system for their listservs were not affected.

 Replacing the listserv system, AAA has inaugurated a “community” system of discussion groups, open to AAA members.  Current NAPA members should be automatically enrolled as part of the NAPA and “All Member” communities, as well as any other AAA section of which they are a member.

 In order to post a message to other NAPA members, NAPA members will now need to log into the AAA website and find the NAPA communities page. 

 To learn more about the community system, how to post, how to control the frequency of emails, etc., see the community FAQ page at:

 For general information about AAA communities, go to:

An introductory posting about the new system is found here:

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