NAPA Career Profiles: A chat with David Fetterman on Empowerment Evaluation, and the value of ethnography.

David Fetterman is an evaluator by profession, and is probably best known for his work on creating Empowerment Evaluation, which helps individuals learn to evaluate their own programs. In this process Fetterman serves as a coach, helping guide the work and maintain rigor, but allowing stakeholders to plan, implement and evaluate themselves. The end goal…

NAPA Career Profiles: Jen Cardew Kersey

Jen Cardew Kersey is a former graduate of the University of North Texas, where she received her MA in Applied Anthropology. A member of the first class to enter UNT’s online Master’s Program, Jen did her research comparing the experiences of online, and on-campus graduate experiences.

NAPA Career Profiles-Bryan Dennis

NAPA Career Profiles-Bryan Dennis

Bryan Dennis doesn’t consider himself to have had a “career’, but rather a professional journey that wasn’t exactly planned, and which he still continues to travel. That journey started with his graduate work at UCLA in Anthropology, where his academic focus took a very traditional approach.

NAPA Career Profiles: Tim De Waal Malefyt

Timothy de Waal Malefyt has been a leading strategist in brand development for 15 years, working with companies like BBDO Worldwide and D’Arcy in New York and Benton & Bowles in Detroit.