

SfAA/NAPA Careers Spotlight

NAPA will be hosting a Careers Spotlight at the SfAA meetings on Saturday, March 23 from 10 until 2. It is a chance for students and early career professionals to talk to practitioners about jobs for anthropologists in various sectors. There will also…

NAPA-OT Field School Guatemala Summer 2019 session

Enrollment for the 2019 session is now open! The NAPA-OT Field School in Antigua, Guatemala is now recruiting anthropology, occupational therapy, global health, and students in related disciplines for its four-week summer session: June 17 – July 12, 2019. Applications…


You are invited to: CAPA/NAPA LPO Social Nov 20 5:00-7:00 pm, Chicago Curry House, 899 S Plymouth Ct. (RSVP requested) As a student, teacher, or practitioner, are you interested in networking with people who are applying their anthropological skills and knowledge, and making…

Research Associate at the Institute for Community Health (ICH)

The Institute for Community Health (ICH) is hiring a Research Associate. ICH is a nonprofit consulting organization that specializes in participatory evaluation, applied research, and strategic planning. The position is based in Malden, Massachusetts. The Research Associate is an entry level…

2017 Annual Meeting Audio Archive

At the 2017 AAA annual meeting in Washington, DC, only one NAPA Invited Session was audio recorded. The session was designed around brief flash presentations. The sound quality is generally fair to poor. Presenters are speaking as individuals, and opinions…

Stepping into Consulting

By Ruth Sando I have recently (2017) retired after a long career in private industry, working both as an employee and an outside consultant. After earning my Ph.D., I spent over 20 years in the financial services industry (in banking…

Getting Started in International Consulting

by Laurie Krieger I have consulted internationally in health, gender, policy, research, and even once in irrigation (that was weird). Here are some tips for getting started: Use your networks; in international work, people are hired through whom they know.…

Successful Consulting: Networking is the Key

By Elizabeth K. Briody I started Cultural Keys, LLC ( in 2009. At that time, I had a PhD and 24 years of work experience as an anthropologist at General Motors Research & Development. The mechanics of setting up the…

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