AnthroCurrents – June 13, 2014

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Sensibilities OK to wear Native American-inspired fashions to that music festival? LA Weekly talks about how the Lightning in a Bottle event handles the issue on their website. Which reminds me… Morgan Moses—who studied anthropology at UVA—was just drafted by…

NAPA Profiles: Past President Susan Squires

The most recent interview in the NAPA LinkedIn interview series has been posted. This week’s inteviewee is past president of NAPA Susan Squires. Read all about it at

NAPA Careers Expo Profile: Melissa Cefkin, President of EPIC

Click on the link below to see the latest NAPA Careers Expo profile!  This post features Melissa Cefkin, President of EPIC (Ethnographic Praxis in Industry Conference).

NAPA Careers Expo Profile: Laurie Krieger

Click on the link below to see the latest NAPA Careers Expo profile!  This post features Laurie Krieger, Senior Advisor, Health and Social Science at The Manoff Group.    

Governing Council Today: Communications Committee and You

What do NAPA members want? What do NAPA members need? These are questions that NAPA leaders would like to address. However, with a diverse set of member practitioners employed in a broad spectrum of workplaces, with a range of wants and needs, divining the proper answers is challenging. As noted two weeks ago by NAPA…

NAPA CAREER EXPO PROFILES: Anthropologist Elizabeth Schill on her experience at Deloitte

Here’s a new interview from the NAPA interview series on our LinkedIn site.  In this post, Kristin Keller interviews Elizabeth Schill, an anthropologist at the consulting firm Deloitte. You can connect with us on LinkedIn at   As a Senior Consultant in the Federal Human Capital Practice at Deloitte, Elizabeth Schill works with the U.S….

LinkedIn Series Interview for July 16

The bi-weekly NAPA interview series on our LinkedIn page this week features a brief interview with Patricia Sunderland of Practica Group LLC. Patricia highlights some points about anthropology and consumer research, and tips out how to get there. To see the interview go to the LinkedIn page and look for the “NAPA Career Expo Profiles” headline, or…

NAPA Launches Interview Series on LinkedIn

NAPA has launched an informative new interview series on the NAPA Linked In site. This bi-weekly series will feature brief interviews with prominent anthropological practitioners. The goal is to highlight what NAPA and its members are doing, and to showcase the diverse lines of work in which practitioners are engaged. The first interview in the…