Blog Archive

AnthroCurrents – May 1, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Salon covers Fareed Zakaria’s defense of a liberal arts education on The Daily Show and includes a video clip. Rick Scott is probably sorry he…

AnthroCurrents – May 15, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Anthropologist Scott Atran addressed the United Nations Security Council on ISIS’ success in recruiting. You can read the highlights (and see a link to the…

AnthroCurrents – June 12, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette has its doubts about the book Primates of Park Avenue, which claims to provide an anthropological view of moms of New York’s…

AnthroCurrents needs you!

Do you enjoy the bi-weekly insights and enlightenment provided by AnthroCurrents? Then help keep it going! NAPA is currently seeking assistance with producing this topical and relevant resource. It takes just a few hours and provides a great service to…

AnthroCurrents – June 26, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Anthropologist Helen Fisher discusses the success of Tinder on StarTalk (Neil deGrasse Tyson’s show). I agree with her that Tinder is only a new interface…

AnthroCurrents – July 10, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media In case you’re sleeping too well at night, read anthropologist Hugh Gusterson’s piece on the American cultural traits that make us most vulnerable to a…

AnthroCurrents – July 24, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Anthropologist Jason Hickel of the London School of Economics punctures the dream that microfinance will help alleviate poverty. You may have heard that the U.S.…

Antonio Chavarria Interview

The interview below is with Antonio Chavarria, BA of the Museum of Indian Arts & Culture Laboratory of Anthropology, State of New Mexico Department of Cultural Affairs. Carol Ellick conducted the interview.

Laurel Dillon-Sumner

 BiographyLaurel is a qualitative researcher, currently employed as a Research Coordinator with the University of Washington in Seattle. In this role she supports several research projects related to cancer prevention and control, working closely with interdisciplinary teams based in the…

Amelia Jamison

 Biography Amelia Jamison is a graduate student and researcher at the University of Maryland. Her research interests are broadly focused on the intersections of applied anthropology and public health, with a specific focus on health disparities in infectious disease. Having completing…

Kristy Keller

BiographyKristy Keller has provided direct service to displaced families since 2009.  With experience in program management, service development and evaluation, Ms. Keller received an MA in Applied Anthropology in 2013 from San Jose State University. In graduate school, Kristy partnered…

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