

September/October 2009 Newsletter

Download the entire issue Welcome to Our NAPA e-Newsletter In addition to welcoming you to our e-Newsletter, I first want to thank so many of you for your active engagement with NAPA through our LinkedIn Group, Twitter, and Facebook forums.…

July/August 2009 Newsletter

[ download the pdf version ] Over the last two years, many active NAPA members have been working to create a more active and inclusive section within the context of the American Anthropological Association. Both NAPA and the AAA need to…

April/May 2009 eNewsletter

Welcome  (Elizabeth Nanas) On Mary’s Mind (Mary Odell Butler) NAPA Occupational Therapy Special Interest Group Update (Amy Paul-Ward, Gelya Frank) Designing an Anthropology Career (Sherylyn H. Briller, Amy Goldmacher) Volunteer Opportunities News from the Program Chair (Carol Hafford) Conference Announcements NAPA…

2009 Student Achievement Award

The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology is offering the Sixth Annual Student Achievement Award to recognize student contributions in the area of practicing and applied anthropology. The Award recognizes students who have excelled in these fields and provides…

February 2009 Newsletter

•      On Mary’s Mind (Mary Odell Butler) •      CFP AAA 2009: The End/s of Anthropology (Carol Hafford) •      AAA 2008 NAPA Meeting Notes (Mary Odell Butler) •      AAA Task Force Contacts •      AAA 2008: Professional Ethics (Mary Odell Butler) •     …

May 2008 Newsletter

Congratulations to the spring anthropology graduates. Be sure to look at the NAPA web page where just in the past fifteen days, fifteen employers posted employment opportunities seeking anthropologists for positions in game analytics, consumer insights, historic preservation and even…

September 2007 Newsletter

NAPA has a new look! After many years of not having an official logo we have selected the design at the top of this newsletter. In a similar genre as that of the AAA logo, it radiates a sense of…

Student Awardee Information 2006

First Place: Allison D. Harnish, Undergraduate (Western Kentucky University) “Conflict and Opportunity: A Qualitative Study of Community Attitudes towards Ecotourism and the Bushmeat Trade in Kasigau, Kenya” The problem of bushmeat and the potential for sustainable community-based ecotourism are two…

Student Awardee Information 2005

First Place: Jason Paiement, Ph.D. Student (McGill University) “Anthropology and Development” The scope for non-economic social scientists to influence the design and implementation of development policies and projects has expanded considerably since the 1970s. Many factors have contributed to this…

Student Awardee Information 2004

First Place: Adam Daniel Kiš (University of Florida) “An Analysis of the Impact of AIDS on Funeral Culture in Malawi.” Mr. Kis received his B.A. in French from Andrews University, and has been in a PhD program in Anthropology at…

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