

Fall 2021 NAPA Business Meeting

Join our semi-annual business meeting on Nov 13th (9-10:30am) to hear about new initiatives, engage with NAPA leadership, share ideas for how NAPA can serve PPA Anthropologists, and chat about your interests in working on NAPA efforts. Register today!

New NAPA Best Practices Section!

NAPA’s best practices section for applied anthropology and related resources has been updated and extended by a group of experienced practitioners. Please have a look when you have a chance. They are designed to remind us of our shared, optimal…

2021 NAPA Student Achievement Award

The National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) offers the annual Student Achievement Awards to recognize undergraduate and graduate student contributions in the area of practicing and applied anthropology. The Award recognizes students within and outside the United States who have excelled…

New edited volume by NAPA Member!

New edited volume by NAPA Member! The Rise and Decline of Military Culture Programs, 2004-20, edited by Kerry Fosher and Lauren Mackenzie provides a window into the work anthropologists do with the U.S. military. Get a free e-copy today!

Upcoming Global Business Anthropology Summit

Curious about how anthropology helps businesses meet big challenges? We are! Join the upcoming Global Business Anthropology Summit (GBAS) virtual summit. Discuss with us: Futures, Taxes, Sustainability, Equity, Change, and yes, anthropology for the future! 

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