National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
AnthroJobs of the Week, 23 October 2019
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The keywords for this week’s AnthroJobs search are ones that are very dear to me and a big reason for my own interest in anthropology in the first place: indigenous rights, communities, and sovereignty.
Pact, an international non-profit based in Washington, D.C. is looking for a Social Inclusion Consultant for “the USAID-funded… program [to] strengthen the capacity of Indigenous People’s Organizations (IPO) in the Amazon region of Brazil, Colombia and Peru to manage financial resources, thereby improving their ability to take ownership of their own development planning and priorities.” The position will develop a strategy informed by qualitative field research alongside Indigenous Peoples Organizations (IPO) “to ensure that the strategy and its approaches respect indigenous peoples’ perspectives and the diverse cultural contexts of the Amazon region.” Train relevant project staff, as well as application and monitoring of the strategy.
Applicant requirements include “an advanced degree in a relevant topical area,.. 5-7 years of experience living and working in Latin America in a relevant topical area,.. demonstrated experience creating a social inclusion or gender inclusion strategy for use in the context of a project,.. and fluency in the primary language of at least one of the countries (Spanish or Portuguese).” To apply go to the job opening’s page on Pact’s website here.
The city of Guelph located in Southern Ontario, CA is looking for a temporary Indigenous Initiatives Assistant at Guelph Museums to “contribute toward the assessment and development of Indigenous narratives within the Museums’ permanent collection, as well as in the… on-site and outreach education programs.” Even more, the Indigenous Initiatives Assistant will “actively take part in the complex process of institutional decolonization… and acquire skills that are broadly transferable across Canada’s museum sector.” So while this a temporary position, it looks like a great opportunity for an undergraduate-level candidate to gain valuable skills in museum collection interpretation and exhibition implementation “by collaborating meaningfully with First Nations, Inuit and Métis Peoples.” To apply, visit this page on the City of Guelph’s website.