National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
AnthroJob of the Week, 9 January, 2018
Do you have a Master’s in Anthropology and looking to apply your anthropological expertise? Are you passionate about nutrition and health and looking for a job where you can travel internationally? If yes, I have not one, but two options for you at the same organization.
Action Against Hunger USA is looking for an Associate Director Nutrition and Health and an Associate Director for Undernutrition Prevention & Resilience. Both job descriptions specify their ideal candidate as having a Masters in Anthropology, experience working in Nutrition and Health programs overseas, experience working as a diverse part of a team, and experience working in humanitarian contexts.
Action Against Hunger is an international, non-governmental organization with headquarters in Paris, New York, London, Montreal, and Madrid. Both of these positions advertised are based in New York, with international travel expected.
In my personal job search, it was hard to stay motivated looking and applying for jobs this December. When I did apply, I pictured my resume sitting and collecting dust on HR desks all over DC. Which is exactly what happened. The good news is the Holidays have ended, PTO has ended, and resumes are being examined again. It is a new year and is time for your new job! Good luck in the job search.