National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Best Practices

At the intersection of the sciences and the humanities, anthropological practitioners are found in occupations across multitudes of specializations. Is it possible, then, to derive a set of overarching and relevant “best practices?”
Any set of standards or perspectives will need to cover a diverse group of activities as well as stakeholders. As just one example, with work involving research and/or evaluation, stakeholders can include participants and collaborators in our research, various types of respondents, clients and funders, organizational staff, policymakers and decision-makers, colleagues, and the general public.
NAPA has organized a generalized set of best practices that will cover a range of practice. After you have read through these practices, we invite you to contribute comments, suggestions, and additional resource links that will be useful to anyone wishing to gain a sense of how we can better do what it is that we do.
The links below connect you to not only the Best Practices document, but to a review of specialized anthropological approaches, links to associations’ ethics statements, and additional resources.