NAPA Volunteer Of The Year Award

At a spring 2016 NAPA Governing Council meeting, discussion was finalized on creating a new NAPA Volunteer of the Year award. Nominees are put forward and voted on by committee chairs and elected officials (Governing Council members are not eligible for nomination), based on the volunteer’s length, depth, and quality of service. Volunteers typically serve on one of NAPA’s many committees; their unheralded efforts often go unseen by the membership as a whole.

NAPA is wholly reliant on volunteer efforts to run the organization (with some AAA support). The Volunteer of the Year award is presented as part of the AAA annual meetings, during the NAPA Business Meeting, typically held on a Friday evening.

Volunteer Of The Year Awardees

Interviews of award recipients are listed below, with the most recent year first

[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Natalie Muyres, MS, PMP. Organizational and Design Anthropologist, Natalie Muyres Consulting. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

sNAPAshots: Natalie Muyres

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 0:00[NAPA Logo] Natalie Muyres 0:00I think there’s just so much to learn about

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[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Nazia Hussain, MA. Project Researcher, A1M Solutions, LLC. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

sNAPAshots: Nazia Hussain

This entry is part 19 of 25 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. 0:13[NAPA Logo] Interviewer 0:13Welcome to sNAPAshots, conversations with practicing professional and applied anthropologist.

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[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Nazia Hussain, MA. Project Researcher, A1M Solutions, LLC. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

sNAPAshot: Nazia Hassain

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcription 0:01[NAPA Logo] Nazia Hassain 0:04Learning how to navigate the job landscape. Especially

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[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Lauren Penney, Practicing Anthropologist, U.S. Federal Government. Twitter, Meta, LinkedIn Logos

sNAPAshots: Lauren Penney

This entry is part 18 of 25 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Dr. Penney participated in this interview in her personal capacity on September 21,

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[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Briana Nichols, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Latin American Studies, Rutgers University.

sNAPAshots: Briana Nichols

This entry is part 17 of 25 in the sNAPAshots section

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. Transcript 0:07[On Screen] NAPA Logo sNAPAshots Interviewer 0:07Welcome to sNAPAshots, conversations with practicing,

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[NAPA Logo] sNAPAshots: Conversations with Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists. Briana Nichols, Post-Doctoral Fellow, Center for Latin American Studies, Rutgers University.

sNAPAshot: Briana Nichols

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License. We’re excited to share our next webisode centers the experiences of Briana Nichols,

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