National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
AnthroCurrents September 7, 2017

A fascinating read about Canadian university’s efforts to decolonize education, including topics typically considered “neutral” such as design. The article includes highlights from design anthropologist Dori Tunstall who is infusing indigenous awareness, history and unconscious bias education into design curriculum. The student examples are powerful representations of how we can reimagine education and design by understanding other worldviews.
I’m pretty excited about anthropologist Colleen Strawhacker’s research to explore how Indigenous peoples living in the arid U.S. Southwest and the icy Arctic are adapting to rapid social and environmental changes that affect food security. The project incorporates very thoughtful and empowering approaches to co-producing data with indigenous communities for important societal research.
Corporate anthropologist Andi Simon declares industries, leaders and employees need to embrace change, not resist it.
Are emojis the language of the future? I recommend checking out the TedX talk by Semiotician and linguistic anthropologist Marcel Danesi who unpacks the history of communication.
If you’re interested in linguistics, you should check out this list of tinder dating terms. It dates me to say I hadn’t heard of most of these (pun intended).
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