Blog Archive

AnthroCurrents – January 9, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Two anthropologists argue that most violent crime is committed within the boundaries of moral behavior as defined by the perpetrators. The media are calling it…

AnthroCurrents – January 23, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Music communicates a lot—next time you’re watching a movie, pay attention to the way music directs its audience.  But research conducted by anthropologist Nathalie Fernando…

AnthroCurrents – February 6, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Notables A Montana middle school was named for anthropologist Joe Medicine Crow. The Billings Gazette provides an overview of Medicine Crow’s life and achievements. Christian…

Changes to the Annals as of January 2015

Editorial After many years of remarkable service as editors, Drs. David Himmelgreen and Satish Kedia turned over AAP editorial responsibilities to the incoming editor, Dr. John Brett of the University of Colorado Denver. Format In light of the American Anthropological…

AnthroCurrents – February 20, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Seth Holmes, author of “Fresh Fruit, Broken Bodies” was interviewed by PRI’s The World about his field work traveling and working with migrant laborers—from Central…

AnthroCurrents – March 6, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media Radio Australia offers a fascinating perspective on “alcohol-fuelled violence,” which is that it is culturally constructed. Dr. Anne Fox, founder of Galahad SMS Ltd. in…

AnthroCurrents – March 20, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media If you enjoy telling people they’re wrong, you’re going to love this article, which contradicts popular wisdom regarding hip width and locomotion. This research calls…

AnthroCurrents – April 3, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media South Africa’s Business Day reports on Ford’s use of social scientists to drive innovation in their product line. This desire is reportedly due in part…

NAPA Student Achievement Award

The deadline for applications for the 2015 NAPA Student Achievement Award is Monday, June 1, 2015. For all the details on how to apply and an award flyer to circulate, see the student award page. Please pass this message on…

AnthroCurrents – April 17, 2015

A biweekly look at recent stories on anthropology and practicing anthropologists in the popular media In the discussion of female circumcision we often hear the perspective of unwilling participants who seek to escape this tradition, and of course the Western…

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