National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
NAPA’s Going to the 2022 AAAs in Seattle!!!
NAPA Sponsored and Co-Sponsored Events at the 2022 AAA
0-235: Avoiding the “Gotcha” Moment: Participatory Action Research as a Methodology for Civic Engagement
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: Virtual
Session Type: Talk, Video-on-Demand
Organizer: Jennifer Lucko
1-090: Teaching Anthropology in an Unsettling World
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 12:00 PM to 01:45 PM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Monica Rodriguez
Participants: Angela Guy-Lee, Erich Fox Tree, Christina Miller-Bellor
1-115: Unsettling Anthropology: Disrupting Our Field’s Taboos to Help Humanity Thrive
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: Virtual
Session Time: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 12:00 PM to 01:45 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Jacqueline Ambrow, MA, CHt
Participants: Margie Serrato, PhD, Elizabeth Wood, MS, Nichole Bresee, Michael Kilman, MS, Aaron Miller, PhD
1-175: (E)Scapes from Anthropology: The Relational Production and Uses of a Geographies Framework
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 02:15 PM to 04:00 PM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Alejandro Echeverria
Participants: Grecia Perez, Jose Humberto Alvarez, Sahar Foruzan, Joshua Liashenko
1-540: Cultural Expertise and the Professionalization of Anthropology
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Wednesday, Nov. 9, 04:30 PM to 06:15 PM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Noora Arajärvi
Participants: Livia Holden, Emma Varley, Lawrence Rosen, James Rose, Ticky Monekosso, Anthony Good, Ariel Planeix, ChorSwang Ngin
2-006: Challenging Boundaries through Engaged & Activist Anthropology
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 08:00 AM to 09:45 AM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Natalie Bourdon
Participants: Jordan Levy, Wendy Hathaway, Anahid Matossian, Alexandra Crampton, Stacie Hatfield
2-050: Making Anthropology Work: Continuing Strategies for Alternative Futures
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 08:00 AM to 09:45 AM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Saira Mehmood
Participants: Meryleen Mena, Dani Merriman, Bailey Duhé, Erin Tooher, Afshan Kamrudin, Anika Jugovic-Spajic, Verónica Sousa
2-440: The Unsettled History of the Future of Organizational Anthropology: An Engaged Roundtable Discussion
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 02:00 PM to 03:45 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Barry Dornfeld
Participants: Matthew Hill, Carlos Vélez-Ibáñez, Tara Schwegler, Ed Liebow, Elizabeth Briody, Melissa Fisher, Derek Newberry, Julia C. Gluesing
2-630: Unsettling UX: Opportunities and Challenges for Anthropologists in Human-Centered Design
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 04:15 PM to 06:00 PM
Session Type: Conversation or Debate
Organizer: Olive Minor
Participants: Sam Ladner, Tracy Johnson, Matt Artz, Suzanne Boyd, Lauryl Zenobi, Julia Wignall, Paige Nuzzolillo
2-740: Serving the Next Generation: Discussing How to Meet the Needs of Young Practicing Anthropologists
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 06:30 PM to 08:15 PM
Session Type: Conversation or Debate
Organizer: Erica Hawvermale
Participants: Shannon Cronin
2-775: Unsettling Interdisciplinary Contexts in Health Care (Cosponsored Session)
Cosponsored by: Society for Medical Anthropology and National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 06:30 PM to 08:15 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Julie Armin
Participants: Jean Hunleth, Sarah Raskin, Matt Dalstrom, Lily Shapiro, Aaron Seaman, Marlaine Figueroa Gray, Lauren Penney
3-125: Women and Drug Use in a Cross-Cultural Perspective (Cosponsored Session)
Cosponsored by: Society for Anthropological Sciences and National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Friday, Nov. 11, 08:00 AM to 09:45 AM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Caitlyn Placek
Participants: Shana Harris, Jennifer Syvertsen, Emery Eaves, Mãdãlina Alamã, Tiffany Alvarez, Sugandh Gupta, Casey Roulette, Drake Rinks
3-170: Ethical Issues in Practicing Anthropology: Drawing Cross-Sector Lessons Learned from Work with the M
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: Virtual
Session Time: Saturday, Nov. 12, 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Kerry Fosher
Participants: Niel Tashima, Rachel Chamberlin, Rory McCarthy, Lauren Penney, Eric Gauldin, Robert Rubinstein
NAPA/AAA Careers Exposition
Date and Time: Friday, Nov. 11, 11:00 AM to 4:00 PM
Curious about careers in Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropology? Then join the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) for the 18th Annual Careers Expo on Friday, November 11 from 11am to 4pm in the Seattle Convention Center Room 4A adjacent to the Exhibit Hall. Meet with Career Guides from across industries for lively conversations about how anthropological training positively impacts the public and private sectors. Learn from established professionals and get your questions answered about best practices for putting anthropological skills to work. Networking is encouraged, so get ready to practice your elevator pitches with a friendly audience. Students, academic and applied mentors, and career changers welcome!
3-440: Anthros in Tech: Disrupting Academic Anthropology
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Friday, Nov. 11, 04:15 PM to 06:00 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Sydney Yeager
Participants: Katie Hillier, Scarleth Herrera, Jacob Culbertson, Sanjay Anand, Nick D’Avella
4-040: From Researcher to Co-Conspirator: Tending to the Relational Ethics of Par (Cosponsored Session)
Cosponsored by: General Anthropology Division and National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Saturday, Nov. 12, 08:00 AM to 09:45 AM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Maresi Starzmann
Participants: Nichelle Barton, Saadiq Anderson-Bey, Hadley Friedland, Dustin Hare, Hanna Hochstetler, Maya Kearney, Claudia Vallejo-Torres, Kim Weaver, Andrea N. Juarez Mendoza, Josh Harsin, Gohan Mendez
4-815: Transforming Genomics Research through Community Engagement: A Case Study from French Polynesia
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Saturday, Nov. 12, 02:00 PM to 03:45 PM
Session Type: Poster
Organizer: Sarah LeBaron von Baeyer
4-830: Covid-19 and Disruptions in Everyday Life for Caregivers of Veterans with Complex Conditions
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Saturday, Nov. 12, 02:00 PM to 03:45 PM
Session Type: Poster
Organizer: Lauren Penney
5-095: Evaluating the Landscape of Rural Veteran Food Insecurity in the Department of Veterans Affairs
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Sunday, Nov. 13, 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Session Type: Oral Presentation Session
Organizer: Karen Besterman-Dahan
Participants: Jacquelyn Heuer, Bridget Hahm, Sarah Bradley
5-145: Reimagining Digital Spaces: Disrupting Structures of Power through Design
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: Virtual
Session Time: Sunday, Nov. 13, 10:15 AM to 12:00 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Sally Darling
Participants: Jingwen Wang, Ben Clark, Arooj Qureshi, Lisa Stocker, Jessica Keller, Diana Hubbard, Michael Kilman, MS, Michael Gibson, Cassini Nazir
5-200: Cool Anthropology: Unsettling Academia through Public Engagement
Reviewed by: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Session Time: Sunday, Nov. 13, 12:15 PM to 01:45 PM
Session Type: Roundtable / Town Hall
Organizer: Kristina Baines
Participants: Victoria Costa, Maria Vesperi, Daniel Lende, Kristin Koptiuch, Thomas Miller, Scott Wilson, James Mullooly, Sally Campbell Galman, Agustin Fuentes
2-982: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA) Business Meeting
Section Affiliation: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Event Type: Business Meeting
Event Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 7:15 PM to 8:30 PM
2-994: COPAA/NAPA Academic-Practitioner Mixer
Section Affiliation: National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Modality: In-Person
Event Type: Networking Reception
Event Time: Thursday, Nov. 10, 8:30 PM to 10:00 PM
Joshua Liggett, MS, LSSBB, CPHQ
Joshua has a passion for working with people to solve human problems and striving to make the world a more benevolent and efficient place to call home. Trained as a professional anthropologist, his expertise includes design and execution of both qualitative and quantitative data collection, management, analysis, and reporting for the purposes of evaluation and identifying improvement opportunities.