National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
2024 NAPA Careers Expo: Career Guides

List of Career Guides
Individual Anthropologists
- Adam Gamwell, Anthrocurious and Mindshare
- Claudia Parvanta, Professor and Concentration Lead: Social Marketing, University of South Florida, Center for Social Marketing, College of Public Health [FL Anthropologist]
- Erica Hawvermale, Institute for Veterans and Military Families
- Tanya L. Rodriguez, Hormel Foods Corp.
- Niel Tashima, LTG Associates, Inc.
- Suzette V Chang, Thick Descriptions
- Philip Strickland, Metro Analytics
- Dina Martinez Tyson, University of South Florida, College of Public Health [FL Anthropologist]
- Carylanna Taylor, The Film Sales Company & First Encounter Productions
- Sonja Hodgson, LexisNexis
- Matt Stoffer, Booz Allen Hamilton
- Susan Caolo, Preservation Legacy Inc.
- Courtney Johns Rejano, MPH Residency Program Administrator, Department of Plastic Surgery [FL Anthropologist]
- Suanna Selby Crowley, SWCA Environmental Consultants
Veterans Administration (VA)
- Wendy Hathaway, Veterans Administration [FL Anthropologist]
- Jason Lind Veterans, Administration [FL Anthropologist]
- Margeaux Chavez, Veterans Administration
- Jacquelyn Heuer, Veterans Administration
National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA)
Section Table
- OT Field Sschool, sNAPAshots & Pro Dev
- Rachael Hall-Clifford President, NAPA, NAPA Occupational Field School
- Eric Gauldin
Resume Review
- Dennis Wiedman, See SMA
- Ryan Logan, California State University, Stanislaus
- Chad Morris, Department of Anthropology, Eastern Carolina University
- Robert A. Hahn, U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (retired)
Allied Organizations
Global Anthropology Project (GAP)
- Cathleen Crain, NAPA
Institute for Comm Research & Community Science Exchange
- Jean Schensul (Jay), Institute for Community Research and Exchange
- Sarah Strauss, Institute for Community Research and Exchange
Society for Medical Anthropology (SMA)
- Carlos Martinez, Society for Medical Anthropology
- Dennis Wiedman, Chair. Health Professions Education Special Interest Group of the Society for Medical Anthropology. Emeritus Professor of Anthropology. Florida International University.
- Guillermina Gina Nunez, Society for Medical Anthropology, Association of Latina and Latino Anthropologists
- Stephen Schensul, Society for Medical Anthropology
- J. Bryan Page, Society for Medical Anthropology
Council for Museum Anthropology (CMA)
- Cara Krmpotich, Council for Museum Anthropology
- William Wood, Council for Museum Anthropology
- Christina Hodge, Council for Museum Anthropology
Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- Trent Trombley, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- Patrick Beauchesne, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- Ed Liebow, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- Corliss Heath, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
- Christine Hegel, Anthropology Career Readiness Network (ACRN)
Washington Association of Professional Anthropologists (WAPA)
- Mark Edberg, Washington Association of Professional Anthroologists, George Washington University
- Todd G. Pierce, The Isla Mujeres Ethnographic Field School (I.F.S.)
Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants (ACE Consultants)
- Carol Ellick Executive Director, Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants
- Joe Watkins Senior Consultant, Archaeological and Cultural Education Consultants