National Association for the Practice of Anthropology
Professional Presentations and Workshops* at the Santa Fe SfAA Meetings 2024
Anthropology Careers Readiness Network (ACRN)

and the National Association for the Practice of Anthropology (NAPA)

…Present the following sessions, workshops and events!
Day | Events |
Tuesday 3/26 | Confinement in the Land of Enchantment (CLOE Project): A Discussion of Japanese American Confinement in New Mexico During World War II (NAPA) (T-32) 11:15-1:00 Eldorado B (El Dorado Hotel) CHAIR: TASHIMA, Niel (LTG Assoc) Open Discussion |
Wednesday 3/27 | Workshop: Anthropological Approaches to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Work in Organizations, 1:30-3:15 – Zia C (El Dorado Hotel) Presenters: MACEYKO, Melissa (CSULB & Willing Observers) and ARCINIEGA, Lucy (Willing Observers) The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly: Memorable Professional and Practicing Career Events (NAPA) (W-97) 3:45-5:30 Zia B (El Dorado Hotel) Workshop: Leveraging LinkedIn for Career Growth (NAPA), 3:45 – 6:45 pm, Presenter: Presenter: Racine BROWN (Lowe’s) |
Thursday 3/28 | Workshop: Crafting Compelling Narratives: Storytelling Anthropology for Mainstream Audiences, 9:00-10:45 Mesa A (Hilton Hotel) Presenters: GAMWELL, Adam (Anthrocurious) and BRIODY, Elizabeth (Cultural Keys) Assessing Career-Ready Curricula for Anthropologists: The State of the Field, 1:30-3:15 Zia B (El Dorado Hotel) Workshop: Storytelling for Anthropologists: An Essential Tool and Art (NAPA): 5:45 – 7:30 pm, Presenters: Niel TASHIMA and Cathleen CRAIN (LTG Associates) and Elisha Oliver, Texas Folklife |
Friday 3/29 | NAPA’s Toolkit for Anthropologists: The Update (NAPA) (F-06), 9:00-10:45 Zia A (El Dorado Hotel) Workshop: Becoming a Practicing Anthropologist, 9:00-12:00 DeVargas (El Dorado Hotel) Anthropologists As Developers?: Applying Anthropology to Make Tools for Solving Social and Environmental Problems (NAPA) (F-33), 11:15-1:00 Anasazi North (El Dorado Hotel)) Professional Standards for the Training, Development, and Mentoring of Professional, Practicing, and Applied Anthropologists – Shaping and Guiding the Future of Anthropology in the World (NAPA) (F-108), 3:45-5:30 Pecos (Hilton Hotel) |
Saturday 3/30 | Opening the Conversations between Students and Practitioners, (S-70) 1:30-3:15 Chapel (El Dorado Hotel) What Are Anthropology Students Learning? What Should They Be Learning? 3:45-5:30 Zia A (El Dorado Hotel) NAPA-WAPA Networking Social. 5:30-7:30 Anasazi South (Hilton) Join your peers who are about to graduate or who will graduate soon from anthropology programs at the NAPA-WAPA New Professional Networking Social. Experienced anthropologists, including NAPA and WAPA members, will be on hand to chat informally with new and soon-to-be graduates about careers, networks, and possibilities. All are welcome to attend and expand their networks. Light snacks will be served. |
*Workshops require registration: register at: or at the meeting registration desk.