AAA public policy award

The American Anthropological Association (AAA) Committee on Public Policy
(CoPP) has established a biennial award, the AAA Anthropology in Public Policy Award. Starting in 2013, the award will be conferred every other year in rotation with the AAA Solon T. Kimball award. Winners will be invited to give a lecture at the AAA annual meeting where their award will be announced and they will receive $500 and a commemorative plaque. For further information, please go to

We are writing to you today to ask for help in giving the award a meaningful name. We seek to name it after a late (recently passed or long departed) anthropologist whose work has had a significant, positive influence on the course of public policy decision-making and action (here please note that we define public policy broadly to include measures created by any level of government and addressing the full range of contemporary human problems). To that end, we are soliciting nominations, due by February 28th.

Please survey members of your section regarding ideas for a name, and send all nominations to Mary L. Gray at<>.
Nominations should include information about why each nominee was suggested; one paragraph regarding his or her contributions will suffice. Names will be vetted by the Committee on Public Policy in early March.

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