Why study anthropology?

How do you answer prospective students, and/or their parents, when they ask the rationale for studying anthropology, and applied anthropology in particular?

NAPA is compiling the top 5 reasons to relate to students, and the top 5 reasons to discuss with parents, about why anthropology is a great discipline. These will go beyond the general “anthropology is very interesting and important!” to more specific and topical reasons, to both compel students and assure parents.  So please think about it and send us your suggestions! These can related to either, or both, graduate and undergraduate levels.

The most compelling reasons will be compiled and included on the NAPA website as part of the upcoming website redesign. Please submit your suggestions (and indicate whether your reasons are more relevant to graduate or undergraduate programs) to NAPA at napacommunications@gmail.com, or via our Contact Us page. The authors of any reasons published will be acknowledged on the website.

Terry Redding
Terry Redding

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  1. Anthropology can be applied to everything that involves humans; medicine, environment, engineering, business, merchandising, marketing, and even outer space! The possibilities really are endless and diverse and allow you to grow with your passions and curiosities without limitations.

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